Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"212 Marguerita" . . . The Hold Steady

What is it about this band? Middle-aged guys from Brooklyn by way of Minnesota doing the rock n roll life. Nasally, nerdy, graduate student-looking singer with smart lyrics and a beatnik delivery style in a time of stove pipe pants and metro cool, is a pretty interesting transgression. They certainly turn back the clock in regard to their sound as well; a neo-Spingsteen-ish quintet with classic rock hooks and a tinkly piano. They've even been known to break out an ill-advised saxophone. But instead of the urban mythologies of Jersey life, we're brought slacker musicians from a borough who seem to tour anywhere that offers an ice chest full of beer.

I don't suppose they're on any cutting edge of expanded musical horizons, but they're fun and kinda eloquent about being stupid, which is where rock lives (think Replacements in button down madras short sleeve shirts). Their fans must squeal like drunken sorority girls. If Daniel Johnston were coherent, he might write these songs. Or maybe some guy channeling Lou Reed 15 years after the Velvet Underground, on his way to an AA meeting in a back room at The Stone Pony.

Please pardon the YouTube version with the odd advertising at the end, but the quality is better than other available live versions with terrible sound and earthquake cams.

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