Friday, April 24, 2009

Dancing After Enola Gay

It's a pity that I don't know computer video formats better, because the video on the right contains some great clips in the original. Unfortunately, when I got done with them they have pixels the size of barns, each frame chugs along as if it's being driven by a bicycle with a slack chain, and of course the audio track isn't in sync with the teeny picture. Perhaps I should remember my limitations next time. For anyone interested, you can always go into YouTube and look through Butoh dancers and Pina Bausch for most of the raw materials. Butoh is great. Pina Bausch is the stuff of legend. As for the woman dancing on the wine bottles, she must have practiced quite a bit. Lets see, what else can I say--her outfit is inspiring. Apparently, the bar is named after a black cat, though the owner seems rather nonplussed. She's got my applause.

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